The Coach Hot Pink Signature "C" Gallery Tote Bag is popular this season. This tote on chic pink color alone sells itself. Pink is a female`s color as any woman will tell you. So add a designer like Coach into the mix, and you get gallery tote that is the envy of all handbags in the industry. This bag is made to last for years and years. It has classic styling with signature design, and it will not go out of vogue with a new season which is what some bags do.Coach handbags
This luxurious soft hot pink ultra suede fabric with large signature "C" design, comes embellished with rhinestones studded on the bags front face in Coach Style. It has two exterior Coach Gallery Tote Bagslip pockets on the sides with nickel turnlock closures. The base has nickel footed bottoms to protect your bag when setting it down anywhere.more information about Coach handbags in http://www.coach4handbags.com/