It is a difficult question because most people who want to buy branded High end Louis Vuitton handbags counterfeit clothing, shoes, watches, sunglasses, and pirated CD’s and DVD’s under the impression that he is nothing is wrong with saving money.
If you only save money, it would not need this debate. However, we save money on a very high cost. Each dictionary definition of the word wrong with the same description of something or someone that is not true, fraud, forgery of documents supplied.
A legal dictionary terms such as reproduction, imitation, copying, emulation, manufacturing, Fax, misrepresentation, deception, pretending to copy, reproduce, forgery, counterfeiting, fraud, fraudulent replica, charlatan, other fraud, forgery and dozens.
Crime syndicates worldwide use forgery as a revenue source for sweatshops, child labor, trafficking, gang activity and even terrorism. The police can not fight against the counterfeiting of the sale of their products as consumers continue to have a market for them.
As consumers have the power, the fake fashion market and create our own economy at the expense of the dark side of the trade. Allows couples with the police and become part of the solution, and refuse to be part of the problem.